Bicentennial of Marquis de Lafayette’s Farewell Tour

Tuesday, September 39:00—10:00 AMLancaster Town GreenThayer Drive, Lancaster, MA, 01523

The American Friends of Lafayette and Thayer Memorial Library are working with the First Church of Lancaster Unitarian Universalist to commemorate General Lafayette’s stop in Lancaster. 

Reverend Nathaniel Thayer addressed Gen Lafayette on our historic Town Green on September 3, 1824.

First Church is happy to host a reenactment of Marquis de Lafayette’s renowned 1824 tour of the United States on its 200th anniversary.

Among his stops during this tour was the Bulfinch Meetinghouse in Lancaster where he was welcomed with open arms by the town’s residents. The Rev. Wil Darcangelo will read Rev. Nathaniel Thayer’s original welcoming address. Then General Lafayette will recite his speech from the same date 200 years ago.

This tour is sponsored by The American Friends of Lafayette.

No Registration Required