Learn From Your Neighbor
Wednesday, July 56:30—7:30 PMReference RoomThayer Memorial LibraryThayer Memorial Library, 717 Main Street, Lancaster, MA, 01523
A weekly summer enrichment program for all ages to accompany our summer reading theme "Find Your Voice!" The program is a five-week long speaker series called "Learn From Your Neighbor," where each speaker presents a special skill or passion and gives attendees an opportunity to learn how to get started.
NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador M.J. Johnson presents “Stars, Stories, and the Search for the Unknown”
Have you ever wanted to observe a meteor shower? Or maybe you'd like to find your Zodiacal constellation in the night sky? When's the last time you saw a dazzling object, and wondered if you were looking at a planet or a star? And isn't there a solar eclipse happening in the next year???
In this, the first of our weekly Summer series, "Learn From Your Neighbor," you'll get answers to some fundamental and important questions that can help you begin to familiarize yourself with the night sky, learn common observing techniques, and - yes - gain ideas on how to begin using instruments like binoculars and telescopes to observe, and even possibly to take photos! In this workshop, you'll hear from local NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador M.J. Johnson, as he shares practical suggestions, resources (including books, magazines, apps and websites) and his personal love of the night sky. You'll leave this program with an idea of how to kindle what can easily become a lifelong hobby and passion. If the weather cooperates, we'll even step outside at the conclusion to conduct a naked-eye observing session! This workshop is appropriate for all ages.
No Registration Required